
Poke! Butterfly

Smile! Butterfly

Laugh! Butterfly

Kiss! Butterfly

How many butterflies can my tummy take until it explodes?

Iv’e only met you once how did I fall so fast?

It feels like I’ve known you all my life man I hope this lasts

That night I was so nervous so scared to touch you so scared to breathe

When our feet touched I showered you with sweet apologies

When we finally cuddled and my head hits your chest

A wave of comfort crashes and I’m obsessed

Breathing you in I want to cry

I feel so close with you I don’t know why.

When I look up at you and you smile

All of the pain fades and I can only see you for miles

When your lips first met mine

I can’t feel anything my whole body is numb

We are completely intertwined

I quickly pull away because the past comes up

You ask if I’m okay

I say yes but I just don’t want to be a hookup

You look me in the eyes and promise you won’t hurt me

I agree and let it be

In my head I thought you were lying that you wouldn’t message me again

After we finished

You cuddled and kissed me made me feel like I’m worth more

You didn’t get up you didn’t show me the door

You told me I was beautiful and so much more

Watched me the whole time I put my clothes on

You didn’t just say thanks for the fun

You walked me to the car and kissed me goodbye

Said you better text me I nod my head and comply

You text me all day and all night

Who knows maybe I’m doing this right

But for now I will settle for long awaited kisses

And cute little goodnight wishes



Published by ShortandStoutBlogs

Hello Readers! My name is Lyssa. I have always wanted to be an author, ever since I could remember. I mostly write poetry, but I have a few books in the works. At age 27, I decided to continue my education for English and literature. I like to call myself the "Taylor Swift" of poetry. I appreciate everyone who has been supporting me with the comments and the likes. You guys give me hope that one day I'll be able to do this for a living. If you want to support in more ways. You can find my first ever poetry book on Amazon titled "All Her Scars." If you want to donate $ to a broke English major, you are more than welcome my cashapp is Allykitty13131313. Thank you so much. <3

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