My path

I hate that I pass where it happened everyday that I go to school, On that straight road so much pain and hurt why was I such a fool? Those 2 apartment buildings seem so mysterious now, Why is it still bothering me anyhow? Every time I drive past the apartment on the right, IContinue reading “My path”


Look at me with those umber eyes, darling your eyes are dueling mine, the color of the sky. Warm bodies under velvet sheets doing nothing but becoming one, the windows showering us with the warmth from the sun. Your lips touch mine feeling like a warm, fresh croissant, eating delectably in France, our lips meltContinue reading “Umber”

Room #232

6″5, Security Guard, Sexy, adorable laugh This boy is going to rip my heart in half We began talking and off with my heart it went But hey at least you knew consent We video chatted almost every night, always asking questions and laughing You were so understanding I fell really fast for you DoContinue reading “Room #232”

Me, Myself, and The abuse

TW: This poem contains sensitive rape subjects and abuse. If you or someone you know is being abused please reach out using this number 1-800-799-SAFE. You are not alone.      2019 was the year that I found myself but it was also the year I lost myself I won the award for the mostContinue reading “Me, Myself, and The abuse”


*Disclaimer* This poem does talk about gas-lighting a form of emotional and mental abuse. Domestic abuse hotline 1-800-799-7233 Gaslighting: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. Princess You’re the most beautiful girl You’re perfect You’re cute I would never leave you You deserve to be treated like a queen I never knewContinue reading “Gaslight”

The Choice

What am I to you? A girl that you want Or a girl you only want to do You’re fucking with my head I’m becoming so unglued You told me that you wanted a break Okay, but I fell for you was that a mistake? One word responses make me feel awful What you areContinue reading “The Choice”

Cigarettes and Sin

Here we go again I thought He’s so different from the rest my brain and heart fought So nice and handsome I fell so fast He has to be different from the guys in the past Talked and bonded over our kids and partners I realized that you were quite the charmer You were sweet,Continue reading “Cigarettes and Sin”

Not all nerds go to heaven

I’ve seen you before is what I had said I thought about it hard within my head Finally, I remembered the game store Nerdy I thought awesome I like him even more Talked for a while pictures were sent And out with a bang my heart it went Sexual texts were exchanged a lot HearingContinue reading “Not all nerds go to heaven”