Does happy mean lonely?

I am the happiest I have ever beenLiving life in the serene I get coffee at pretty shopsI go out and buy vintage topsI write and read and do everything in betweenI go out to eat and get myself little treatsI go thrifting for treasures, paying time, no measuresI lay in the sun and pickContinue reading “Does happy mean lonely?”

Anime feels lonely

Could you tell I styled my hair different like her? I know that style is what you prefer. I try to like the anime that you two bond through But I just can’t bring myself to like it too. I want to be what you want. But it’s so hard to balance that part She’sContinue reading “Anime feels lonely”

One Night Flame

Super Like! Words are exchanged Why are we so alike? Questions asked back and forth Tell me again how much I’m worth Some of your questions are inappropriate But I don’t humiliate Snap-chat became our way of speaking You asked me what I was seeking I told you I wanted to date You agreed youContinue reading “One Night Flame”


I took a shower. I turned the water to the highest heat and stayed there for about an hour. Burning my skin Trying to clean myself from within. They say it takes 7 years for new cells to form. 7 Years to have your touch off my body, but I couldn’t wait that long IContinue reading “Butterfly”