Too little too late

Sometimes, I think if I had only loved you from the beginning, maybe you would have stayed.The appointment was planned to have you removed, but when I saw you on the screen, I couldn’t do it. I was afraid. But my body was a cyanide pill poisoning you anyway.We saw your heartbeat thinking everything was fine,Continue reading “Too little too late”


TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!! SELF HARM!!!!! Sometimes I need to see red Not just any red but my red The red that runs through my veins The red that gets pumped to my brain Taking cuts at myself is always the same My highs are high but my lows are low I can only find comfort inContinue reading “Red”

One Night Flame

Super Like! Words are exchanged Why are we so alike? Questions asked back and forth Tell me again how much I’m worth Some of your questions are inappropriate But I don’t humiliate Snap-chat became our way of speaking You asked me what I was seeking I told you I wanted to date You agreed youContinue reading “One Night Flame”