Why is living my hell?

I felt only calmness As my body floated thoughtless I felt no pain, no anxiety and no worry Please don‘t let this feeling go I’m in no hurry I was laying in a field of wildflowers and sunshine Butterflies flying behind Like Dorothy i wasn’t in Kansas anymore Like Alice going through a door IContinue reading “Why is living my hell?”

Not all nerds go to heaven

I’ve seen you before is what I had said I thought about it hard within my head Finally, I remembered the game store Nerdy I thought awesome I like him even more Talked for a while pictures were sent And out with a bang my heart it went Sexual texts were exchanged a lot HearingContinue reading “Not all nerds go to heaven”

One Night Flame

Super Like! Words are exchanged Why are we so alike? Questions asked back and forth Tell me again how much I’m worth Some of your questions are inappropriate But I don’t humiliate Snap-chat became our way of speaking You asked me what I was seeking I told you I wanted to date You agreed youContinue reading “One Night Flame”