Does happy mean lonely?

I am the happiest I have ever beenLiving life in the serene I get coffee at pretty shopsI go out and buy vintage topsI write and read and do everything in betweenI go out to eat and get myself little treatsI go thrifting for treasures, paying time, no measuresI lay in the sun and pickContinue reading “Does happy mean lonely?”


My hands, the missing puzzle pieces to your hips.Diving in fully kissing the honey from your lips.The harmonious sound from your laugh, as I caress your back, has Mozart quaking in his grave.The universe may come crashing in due to our bodies creating such an electromagnetic wave.Fingers intertwined, like roots from a forest tree.I keepContinue reading “Fireflies”

The world is beautiful in my mind

My words boomerang off of your temporal lobe.My loneliness is building up, I might implode.“I’m listening,” you say, but I can feel you aren’t.My sky blue eyes begin a rapid torrent.I just want someone to understand and listen to my poetic ramblings.To let me cut loose and release my strings.I’ve never felt like I’ve belonged,Continue reading “The world is beautiful in my mind”

Too little too late

Sometimes, I think if I had only loved you from the beginning, maybe you would have stayed.The appointment was planned to have you removed, but when I saw you on the screen, I couldn’t do it. I was afraid. But my body was a cyanide pill poisoning you anyway.We saw your heartbeat thinking everything was fine,Continue reading “Too little too late”


In my heart, there’s an outline of you.I tried to fix it but nowadays it only knows black and blue.I really love him but I know I miss you.I wish you the best I really do it’s just the emptiness in my chest. It feels like an open wound, only lessening when I’m with you.

Do shadows cry?

Dark skies Crystal droplets Hitting my window. There I see it Hiding within me My shadow. Staring into my eyes Shades of blue and green Looking back at me. I notice nothing but How dark they’ve gotten Dead like the sea. I try to get them to lighten Droplets are now falling Falling onto myContinue reading “Do shadows cry?”

Moon Flower

Upon a balcony there, he stands.A mysterious man, his silhouette framed only by moonlightWith his dreams and cigarette in his hands.Between his clouds of smoke, I often wonder.Who hurt him this bad that he has to injest all of this poisonWhat’s eating him inside will anything ever curb his hunger.I sit and watch him everyContinue reading “Moon Flower”


In the quiet whispers of my dream A love that wasn’t meant to be. In the depths of sorrow my story is untold A saddening heartache that words can’t hold. Amid my tears Amid my shattered dreams My blossom was pulled apart at the seams. In the depths of my loss In my hearts silentContinue reading “Depths”